Recurring to-dos in mobile app

In TeuxDeux, it's easy to create routines and build habits with Recurring To-Dos!

Create recurring to-dos with natural language

Enter them with natural language by adding one of the following frequencies on the end of your to-do

Just type your to-do, followed by one of the occurrences below:

  • every day (e.g. "meditate every day")
  • every other day (ex: “water plants every other day”)
  • every weekday (ex: “commute every weekday”)
  • every week (ex: “Taco Tuesday every week”)
  • every other week (ex: “payday every other week”)
  • every month (ex: “pay rent every month”)
  • every year: (ex: “it’s my birthday! every year”)

Delete a recurring to-do in the mobile app:

  • Swipe left to delete.
  • Select "Remove all instances" to remove the entire series OR "Remove this instance" to delete the specific instance