Notes in TeuxDeux

Notes in the web app allow you to add extra context to your to-do list. Use them to keep track of:

  • Ideas
  • Details
  • Links
  • Subtasks
  • Images

How to Add Notes: On hover, click the note icon to add or open notes. Tasks with existing notes will display the icon. Tasks without notes will only show the icon on hover.

Text Formatting: Use the toolbar for basic text formatting or highlight text to see the options while editing. The following keyboard shortcuts are supported:

      • Bold: Ctrl or Cmd + B
      • Italic: Ctrl or Cmd + I
      • Create bulleted lists by starting your line with a dash (- ).
      • Create checklists/subtasks by starting your line with brackets ([] ).

Add Images in Notes: Add images from the toolbar or by copy/pasting them in.

Using Notes with Recurring Tasks:

Notes added to a recurring task are only applied to that single instance by default. To update future instances in the series, click 'Apply Note to All' button in the top right corner.

If a recurring note rolls over onto itself, the previous instance is displayed below for you to copy over or dismiss.

Currently, notes can be created and edited from the web app, the mobile view is read-only.