Pro tips

Become a real pro by using shortcuts to navigate faster.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Hold [  to navigate to the previous day
  • Hold ]  to navigate to the next day
  • Hold ctrl  + [  to jump back
  • Hold ctrl  + ]  to jump forward
  • Hold ctrl  + shift  + H  to navigate back to ‘today’
  • Hold ctrl  + shift  + ?  to bring up 'Pro tips' menu
  • Hold ctrl  + shift  + F  to bring up the search bar
  • Hold ctrl  + shift  + Z  to undo deleting a task


Use markdown to style a selection of text or make links clickable. You can also highlight text and style with the formatting toolbar.

  • *italic*
  • **bold**
  • <>
  • [hyperlink](
  • # Subheader
  • --- to make a new line